What is Rudra Abhishekam?

Abhishekam is a process to get into meditation, the way the water flows, similarly, knowledge flows into the mind. This is not done for Shiva, this is done for ourselves; to meditate. When we do Rudra Abhishekam everybody gets a good meditative experience. 

Shiva exists in the five elements, would he get happy when you pour water, no! But when we do it with reverence and feeling, an environment is created and when we chant, its vibration gets absorbed into the water. It is scientifically proven that chanting this Mantra restructures and improves the crystalline sequence of water.

When Om Namah shivaya is chanted it changes the structural nature of the water crystals, manifesting an incredibly beautiful sequence. When we use bad language, the structure gets distorted. You should check out the website, “Secrets of water”, it shows how water absorbs our feelings. 

Doing Abhishekam is like a tradition The chants are so beautiful; we pray that our bodies be strengthened, our minds be strong; there should be mellowness in the environment, water, ocean, thoughts, villages and everywhere. 

We should sit for Abhishekam with this desire and thought. It is not even important to do all this, just sitting and listening to the mantra is enough. The point is turning inwards, listening to the Japas and mantras. 

Meditating is a lot more important than doing the Abhishekam. Doing is not important but going within us is. Doing the Abhishekam creates an environment. For example on Diwali we feel different because we light lamps, clean the house, which creates an environment. So this is similar to how we celebrate festivals a few times a year. 

Don’t waste food after offering it to God, don’t let it go down the drain. Milk, honey, curd ,grains can be collected separately and used. It’s not okay if you waste food when it can feed people.

This ancient practice of the Rudrabhishekam, with the chanting of mantras, has been happening since thousands of years. It creates such a deep resonance in our consciousness, because our consciousness is very ancient. The chanting and the pooja creates a very positive environment, and its purpose is to cleanse any negativity in the atmosphere.

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